A Light in the Darkness, an anthology published by First Fruits of Zion. It has an interesting re-telling of the story of Hanukkah (I learned some new things from it, and here I thought I knew everything!), and teaching about how Hanukkah relates to the prophecies in Daniel, and why it is important for New Covenant believers to keep this feast. It has blessings and instructions for lighting the candles, activities for children and readings for each night of Hanukkah. We still have several of these books available for sale.
A Family Guide to the Biblical Holidays by Robin Sampson and Linda Pierce. This book is an excellent guide for all the festivals. This description is from the website:
Learn the teaching method God uses to teach His children. The ultimate hands-on Bible lessons! Teach your children the way God instructed the Hebrews to teach their children—with annual events telling the story of His people and the coming of Jesus.
This giant, 585 page telephone-size book gives an an extensive look at the nine annual holidays: Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, Pentecost, Trumpets, Day of Atonement, Tabernacles, Hanukkah, Purim and the weekly holiday—the Sabbath!
This book includes information that will fill ten books: one on each of the seven holidays in Leviticus, the Sabbath, plus Hanukkah and Purim, and tons of information about the importance of our Hebrew Roots. You'll use this book over and over for years to come!You will learn the historical, agricultural, spiritual, and prophetic purposes of each holiday, showing how each points to Christ and creative ways to teach them to your children!
In this book you get all the information listed above PLUS projects, crafts, recipes, games, and songs for celebrating each holiday.
Also instructions for a weekly Bible study and instructions using the Special Home School Section to incorporate the teaching of the biblical holidays with the academic school subjects!
The chapter on Hanukkah can be viewed online here. Be sure to look at the other links as well, and the parent website, Heart of Wisdom, where they have other Messianic publications geared especially for home schoolers. We have this book in our library, but if you would like your own copy, order them online at Our Hebrew Roots store.
finally a good application for telephone-sized books :)
Seriously, the more info, the better.
Shalom and Happy Hannukah,
I came across your blog today and I'm enjoying my visit. I'm a fellow Yehudim Meshahim. I accepted YSHUA as my MESSIAH almost 32 years ago. My parents were survivors of the SHOA and they didn't like my completion. They told everybody that I had committed suicide and they had a funeral for me. I've been criss-crossing the USA with my ministry Pedal Prayers (www.pedalprayers.org). If you get the chance, please visit my website.
Thank you for the review and links.
I wanted to add to your previous review. I love "King of the Jews" and anything by Lancaster.
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